The maintenance department and the operation side of a business are often disconnected. While both groups significantly impact an organization and its success, more often than not the two departments act like opponents rather than members of the same team. This prompts questions including, why is it common for these two groups to bump heads?… Read more »
Monthly Archives:: October 2014
How Does Culture Impact Your Maintenance Department?
“A culture is made — or destroyed — by its articulate voices.” —Ayn Rand. The above quote holds true in any environment, including maintenance departments. Creating a positive culture encourages involvement and a higher level of performance. Negative culture can harm efficiency and progress by creating a depressing atmosphere, with pessimistic and unenthusiastic employees.
Zero Equipment Failure —Fact or Fiction?
Is zero equipment failure fact or fiction? Although it is the ultimate goal in many maintenance departments, many question if it is really an achievable goal. After discussing the topic with several maintenance professionals at different organizations, the majority agree, it is NOT possible to execute zero equipment failure, however it is a good goal…. Read more »
Free iPad Mini with Purchase of Training 10/27-10/30
Register to Attend our 4-day Training Session, October 27-30, 2014 and Receive a FREE* iPad mini! Hurry this Offer Won’t Last Long, Register by October 17th!
Ashcom Launches New Website!
Ann Arbor, Michigan (October 3, 2014) – Ashcom Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software, today announces the launch of its dramatically redesigned Web site (, featuring its flagship CMMS solution, MaintiMizer™. The new site was designed with the needs of customers and potential customers in mind, making it easier for… Read more »
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